Ade Thomas

I’ve worked in sustainability communications my whole career, starting out in BBC radio, then BBC TV. With the arrival of broadband internet, I established Green.TV, initially with a focus on video, and then as a full service comms agency with a multi-channel offering. Since 2018, Green.TV has become the leading emobility agency and channel, having created the EV Summit, World EV Day, Ebike Summit, and ElectricDrives. In 2021, we launched the Decarbonisation Summit, to deliver cross-sectoral change. In 2022, we co-created EV LIVE at Blenheim Palace, a major consumer facing emobility event. We also took the Decarbonisation Summit to a new level, as a major UK summit, in partnership with SSE and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

By evee Life Contributor

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Eveelife is an eco-oriented lifestyle platform that helps consumers make more purposeful choices about how they live and what they consume. We do it by curating content and products that help them make more conscious, carbon-free choices while amplifying their EV ownership experience.

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